Coming Soon -Dr. Selby Shaving Soap & Shaving Cream

Coming Soon -Dr. Selby Shaving Soap & Shaving Cream

Posted by BullGoose on 19th Feb 2023

Dr. Selby was hugely popular among American Wet Shavers 10 years ago or so. Then, seemingly overnight, it disappeared. Made in Uruguay, Dr. Selby lacked a U.S. Distributor and became impossible to source. I am happy to announce that it is back and will soon be available to order from BullGoose Shaving Supplies.Dr. Selby is only available in one scent (a classic Lavender) and comes in your choice of a hard soap housed in an art deco style bowl or a shaving cream in a tube. Both soap and cream lat … read more
Asylum Levante Shave Soap Review

Asylum Levante Shave Soap Review

14th Feb 2023

The Asylum Shave Works Levante shave soap is an excellent triple milled shave soap that is made in Spain. Teiste Brito just made a video review of the soap and I thought that I would share the review here. You can purchase the soap here … read more
The Lather Bowl

The Lather Bowl

12th Nov 2022

Generating a thick and luxurious lather can be tricky for those new to using a brush and traditional soaps and creams. The key to the process is using quality products, patience and adding water to the mix a few drops at a time. While the focus is usually on the soap (or cream) and the brush, don't forget to get a nice lather bowl such as the Le Birichine palm sized Ceramic lather bowls. The Le Birichine bowls are as functional as they are beautiful. Made in Italy, these bowls fit nicely … read more
Introducing Faena Artisan Soaps

Introducing Faena Artisan Soaps

22nd Sep 2022

Faena soaps are handcrafted on the Greek island of Lesvos in a small artisan workshop that produces no more than 150 items per month.  It is a true artisan product that is a reflection of Greek culture. Greece, and in particular Lesvos, has a long history of soapmaking. In fact, there is a myth that Sappho, the ancient poettess from Lesvos, discovered soapmaking sometime around 600 BC. Greece was also home to many soap factories in the 1800's that produced soaps and exported them to Fr … read more
Sneak Peek of Injector Sized Asylum Razor

Sneak Peek of Injector Sized Asylum Razor

1st May 2022

Back in 2012 when we designed the Asylum Rx, we also designed a smaller head version of the razor that takes injector blades. We never produced the injector razor because it proved to be nearly impossible (and very expensive) to machine due to the tight radiuses. So...we put it on the back burner. In the fall of 2021 when we decided to re-release the Asylum Rx, we also decided to re-examine the injector sized version. Since we switched manufacturing processes to precision metal injection, t … read more